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Root Treatment

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Root Treatment

Treatment of the root canal system is a promising option to preserve a tooth if the dental nerve has died off (is devital) or is irreversibly inflamed. For example this can be caused by a deep carious infection, a fracture of the tooth or pathologic proccesses of he periodontium, the structure holding the teeth. By way of using special instruments and tools the objective of this treatment is to remove the nerve of the tooth (also called dental pulp), parts of the blood vessels and infected tissue. The root canal system is then sanatised with special solutions and resulting hollow spaces are sealed against saliva and bacteria. This way a bacterial re-infection can mostly be prevented. The root canal system usually consists of multiple canals and a number of branches but varies individually from patient to patient. Sometimes this results in areas diffucult to reach and poses complications in encompassing the whole of the root canal system. In order to obtain best results we rely on tried and tested auxiliary means such as: measurement oft he lenght oft he root canal, automated formatting as well as optical enhancement in by the dental loupe (binocular magnifying glasses). A successful treatement will additionally be verified by radiological imaging. Eventhough a root canal treatment encompasses multiple appointments and is an attempt to preserve the afflicted tooth studies attest a success rate of 91%.

Root Treatment